May 25, 2019 · The future of Net Neutrality is now up for debate as the result of a vote by the Federal Communications Commission in May of 2014. Many Internet users say that the termination of Net Neutrality will significantly change the online experience and even deprive you of your right to free speech and open online communications.

The Net Neutrality Debate: Republican VS Democrat Aug 13, 2014 Net neutrality: Game over? | PBS NewsHour Extra Dec 15, 2017

Net neutrality debate Part I: How we got here - CNET

Net Neutrality: The Future is Up for Debate - Internet

Net neutrality: Game over? | PBS NewsHour Extra

Net Neutrality Debate: Amazon, Google & Big Tech Despite the dismal state of the public debate on net neutrality, there is actually some hope for a bipartisan solution. Democratic senator Kyrsten Sinema is looking to collaborate with Republicans