Feb 19, 2019 · Here’s how to get networking all the way up in a matter of seconds using just a few commands. Using ifconfig. It’s sad for us UNIX/Linux nerds, but using ifconfig is now the “old” way of doing things. 1. Set Your IP Address. ifconfig eth0 netmask up 2. Set Your Default Gateway. route add default gw 3.

Dec 19, 2018 Tutorial: Set up Cloud Storage on a Linux Server, Using Jul 22, 2020 Quickstart - Create a Linux VM in the Azure portal - Azure

Jun 11, 2019 · Let’s see how you can set up a SFTP server on a Linux system. Setting up SFTP Server on Linux. I have used Ubuntu in this tutorial. The installation commands are specific to Ubuntu and Debian but the rest of the steps can be followed in any other Linux distribution. To perform the steps, you need have sudoer rights.

How to Manually Set Your IP in Linux (including ip/netplan

To set up “dual panels” AKA configuring XFCE 4 to have a panel for each monitor, follow the step-by-step instructions below. Step 1: Go to the primary screen on your XFCE 4 desktop and right-click on the panel with the mouse. By right-clicking on the panel, a right-click menu will appear.

Jan 09, 2020 How to set up an SFTP Server on Linux | FOSS Linux May 11, 2020 How to Manually Set Your IP in Linux (including ip/netplan